The New Ms. Faceitch

Before Nicole

As a teen, I absolutely loved social media. I enjoyed being able to message friends, post pictures, poke people on Facebook, crush over boys on Instagram, and share hilarious GIFs. As I got older, I started to have a love-hate relationship with social media. I realized how much of my time was being consumed. As a result, I decided to deactivate almost all of my social media accounts. The time that I used to use on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and Tumblr was now being used to spend time doing activities that I love. Once I was able to realize that my anxiety from social media has decreased drastically, I was afraid of letting any technology in. During my first year of teaching, I was clueless when it came to integrating technology. I always felt that I would be doing a disservice to my students since a lot of negative impacts could be attached to it. I never went out of my way to find interactive websites or programs that I would be able to use with my students. I just ended up using resources that were recommended by my district. I connected social media to technology, but after Nicole they are two completely different things.

After Nicole

Nicole has taught me the impact of integrating technology into my teaching. The different topics that were covered through her course allowed me to leave my comfort zone. Now, I could separate my negative interactions on social media from the true power of technology. Through participating in a Twitter Chat, I was able to see how educators are coming together to support one another. By just having a professional Twitter account, I was able to learn that social media could be used moderately. I was able to use Twitter to follow many different accounts which benefitted not only myself but my students as well. I have been given the opportunity to look into a variety of different websites that I would have never done alone. Through the different topics that were covered  throughout the course, I was able to research resources pertaining to a certain ideas. By creating Wakelets, I was able to focus on topics that I found important especially with the group of students that I have this year. To create a Wakelet, I had to look up different websites, videos, and PDFs that could be used to support the ideas that interested me. I really enjoyed being able to take control of my own learning within this course. I could see myself engaging more in Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) more regularly specifically Twitter Chats. Also, I would like to continue researching different resources that would improve my teaching and classroom environment. I used to turn to my colleagues for help when challenges would arise, but now I know that I could turn to technology instead. This would allow me the time and experience of choosing different resources that fit my students since I know them best. 

Above is a GIF that I used in my first blog. The caption that I added was "How cool I"ll look when integrating more technology within my classroom". I can't guarantee that I actually look this cool, but I can say that I definitely feel that way. Through learning different ideas from this course and researching different resources, I have been able to integrate more technology that engages my students. It is interesting to see the positive outcomes that this course has taught me. Prior to this course, I would have never thought that these steps would be as simple as they were. I always overthink processes, so I'm glad that this course was able to teach me how simple it could all be. I just might have to be this GIF for Halloween!

Blowing Me Away!

There were a few topics that I really enjoyed. The first would have to be the SAMR model because of the different tiers for online learning. I had been using substitution and augmentation for my entire first year of teaching. I'm proud to say that I have been implementing modification and redefinition with my second year! I was not aware of the opportunities that I could use with technology such as discussion forums and virtual pen pals. I have found that these tiers have allowed my students to engage with content in a more unique way. They have been more excited to learn different topics since they knew they were going to interact with it in a way that they have not interacted before. My students are truly transforming with their new ways of learning. 

Another topic that caught my interest was my digital space. I had never really thought about the different websites and apps that I use, I just use them. To actually sit down and reflect on what I use and how often, I was in shock. I always claimed that I wasn't a social person which I learned very quickly that was not true. I also felt that I focused more on my personal life than my professional, but I was wrong with that too. I used a lot of different professional websites to connect with other educators. This course helped me grow professionally beyond the digital space assignment. I have been reflecting on my digital space as often as I can to catch myself when I'm too consumed in my digital world, in hopes of saving myself before it is too late.

The final topic that I learned a lot from was accessibility in education. It was interesting to learn that one student's needs could benefit others. I have made it a routine to share all the different accessibilities with every student in my classroom. I also continue to research various accessibilities that I might not know of. It is impactful to know that one student's insecurity could easily be validated by other students using it as a benefit. 

All three topics have blown me away since they are ones that I had not thought about before. Each one was extremely beneficial to my career which seemed like a win-win situation. I always thought that my own education and the education of my students were separate which is similar to my thought process of social media and technology. However, through Nicole I have learned  that social media is separate from technology, and my education is connected to the education of my students. I have been able to use what I have learned from this course to my career which is something that I'm grateful for. This year, I don't feel as lost as I did last year. I have learned different strategies to finding solutions. I have also learned how to integrate technology to improve my teaching, and how my students are learning. 


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